Specialists in Sterling Silver and Gemstone Jewellery
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Sparkling and Timeless: How to Care for Your Sterling Silver Jewellery


Introduction: Sterling silver jewellery possesses a timeless beauty that captivates the hearts of jewellery enthusiasts. To ensure your sterling silver pieces maintain their brilliance and lustre for years to come, proper care and maintenance are essential. In this blog post, we will share valuable tips on how to care for your sterling silver jewellery, keeping it sparkling and looking its best.

Wearing jewellery allows the acid in your skin to keep it in colour. I don't know if you've noticed when you put a piece away for a while that's when it tarnishes. So if you aren't wearing a piece regularly make sure you:

Store Properly: When not wearing your sterling silver jewellery, proper storage is crucial to prevent tarnishing and damage. Store each piece separately in airtight pouches, small ziplock bags, or soft cloth pouches. This prevents contact with moisture, air, and other metals that can accelerate tarnishing.

Avoid Exposure to Moisture: Exposure to moisture, including water, sweat, and humidity, can cause tarnishing on sterling silver. Remove your jewellery before swimming, showering, or engaging in activities that can lead to excessive perspiration. If your jewellery does come into contact with water, ensure it is thoroughly dried before storage to prevent moisture damage.

Keep Away from Chemicals: Chemicals can tarnish sterling silver and damage gemstones. Avoid exposing your jewellery to household chemicals, including cleaning agents, perfumes, hairsprays, and lotions. When wearing cosmetics or using beauty products, apply them before putting on your jewellery to minimize exposure.

Clean gently: Regular cleaning is vital to maintain the shine and brilliance of sterling silver. To clean your jewellery, use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently remove any dirt or residue. For stubborn tarnish or buildup, create a solution of mild soap and warm water. Gently clean the jewellery using a soft brush or cloth, and rinse it thoroughly before drying.

Polishing: To restore the original shine of your sterling silver jewellery, periodic polishing is recommended. Use a high-quality silver polishing cloth or a specially formulated silver cleaner. Follow the instructions provided with the cleaner and ensure thorough rinsing to remove any residue. Take care not to over-polish, as excessive abrasion can damage the surface. Clothes can be purchased from jewellery and some hardware stores. Or keep an eye on your social media as to where we are and pop by our stand as we have clothes you can buy from us there.

Handle with Care: Avoid rough handling or excessive force when wearing or removing your sterling silver jewellery. Silver is a relatively soft metal, and excessive bending or twisting can cause it to become misshapen or scratched. When taking off rings, use a gentle twisting motion rather than pulling or tugging. Take particular care not to be too hard when dealing with chain or bracelet findings, as these are usually delicate. Again let us know if you have an issue and we can usually fix the chain or replace findings.

Professional Maintenance: For intricate or delicate sterling silver jewellery pieces, seeking professional maintenance may be necessary. A professional jeweller can provide specialised cleaning, repairs, and refinishing to restore the beauty of your cherished pieces. They can also assess and address any specific issues or concerns you may have.

Proper care and maintenance are essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of your sterling silver jewellery. By following these guidelines, you can keep your jewellery sparkling and looking its best for years to come. Remember to store your pieces properly, avoid exposure to moisture and chemicals, clean gently and regularly, handle with care, and seek professional maintenance when needed. By investing time and attention into caring for your sterling silver jewellery, you can continue to enjoy its timeless elegance and keep your cherished pieces shining bright.

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